It features the Pentium II's support for the MMX instruction set and registers, and shows how it is optimized for 16-bit code execution. This new edition includes comprehensive coverage of the Pentium II processor.It highlights the differences between the Pentium Pro and Pentium II processors, in particular, the Slot 1 connector and the processor cartridge design utilized by the Pentium II and intended for use in future Intel processors.

In detailing the Pentium Pro and Pentium II processors' internal operations, the book reveals why the processors generate various transaction types and how they monitor bus traffic generated by other entities to ensure cache consistency.

Written for computer hardware and software engineers, this book offers insight into how the Pentium Pro and Pentium II family of processors translates legacy x86 code into RISC instructions, executes them out-of-order, and then reassembles the result to match the original program flow. It also describes the BIOS Update Feature. If you re looking for a comprehensive book designed to bootstrap you up quickly on virtually all aspects of the x86 32/64-bit Instruction Set Architecture (ISA), we respectfully ask you to consider this book."This series of books is truly an important part of my library.I would recommend them to anyone doing hardware design or support, as well as to any developers who write low-level system code." -Paula Tomlinson, Windows Developer's Journal Pentiumi Pro and Pentiumi II System Architecture, Second Edition, details the internal architecture of these two processors, describing their hardware and software characteristics, the bus protocol they use to communicate with the system, and the overall machine architecture. This book focuses on those shared attributes (it does not cover those areas where the two companies have chosen widely divergent solutions which, by definition, fall outside of the ISA specification).

With the exception of some small deviations and differences in terminology, all Intel and AMD x86 processors share a common ISA. The Instruction Set Architecture, or ISA, is defined as that part of the processor architecture related to programming, including the native data types, instructions, registers, addressing modes, memory architecture, interrupt and exception handling, and external IO.